一歩差がつく大人の英語 Day 5 / Week 10


Improving Your English Skills


How long do you sleep a day?


About 7 hours or so. But why?


Those who get less hours of sleep  are more likely to get motion-related injury.


That means at least eight hours of sleep has a positive impact on injury prevention.


“Words & Phrases”

筋肉   muscle

体育、身体訓練   physical training

アイマスク   sleep mask

質の良い眠り    better-quality-sleep


●本日の時事英語 “English from the news”

パンデミック(感染病の大流行)   pandemic

世界保健機関(WHO)   World Health Organization

診断    diagnosis


●文化にまつわる言葉 “Arts & Culture”

A列車で行こう   Take the “A” train

スタンダード   standard number


#一歩差がつく大人の英語 #ImprovingYourEnglishSkills

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