Improving Your English Skills
Houseplant flowers droop and their leaves are discolored.
Plants send SOS signal simply by the way of they look.
What’s the cause?
There may be some causes such as root problem, insects and bad light conditions. But water your plants first.
“Words & Phrases”
鉢植えの室内植物 houseplant
鉢植えの花 potted flower
水やり watering
刈り込み pruning
●本日の時事英語 “English from the news”
(国会)議員 lawmaker
衆議院 House of Representatives
参議院 House of Councilors
(地方議会)議員 assembly member
●文化にまつわる言葉 “Arts & Culture”
油絵 oil painting
水彩画 watercolor (painting)
額縁 frame
#一歩差がつく大人の英語 #ImprovingYourEnglishSkills