一歩差がつく大人の英語 Day 3 / Week 12


Improving Your English Skills

Why don’t they provide online teaching for students while schools are closed.

They are short of resources such as experience, know-how and budget.

Japan is an advanced nation, isn’t it?

They provide online study programs in China as well as in USA.


“Words & Phrases”

登校して受ける(普通の)授業   in-person class
オンライン学習   online learning
ビデオ会議   video conference
高等教育    higher education

●本日の時事英語 “English from the news”

正社員   permanent staff
派遣社員   temporary staff
非正規雇用者    non-regular employee
パート    part-time worker

●文化にまつわる言葉 “Arts & Culture”

「叫び」   the Scream
エドヴァルド・ムンク Edvard Munch の絵画

The Scream

油絵   oil painting


#一歩差がつく大人の英語 #ImprovingYourEnglishSkills

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