Wash your hands carefully as often as possible.
洗い方 How to wash
– 水道の水で手をざっと洗って石鹸をつける
Wet hands with running water, and apply soap.
– 石鹸をつけた手をこすりあわせる
Lather hands with the soap and rub them together.
Also lather the backs of your hands, between fingers and under nails.
– 水道の水で手をよくすすぐ
Rinse hands well under running water.
– 手を乾かす
And dry your hands.
いつ洗うの? When to wash
Wash your hands as often as possible.
たとえば for example
– 帰宅後
After coming home
– 料理を作る前、調理中、調理後
Before, during and after preparing food
– 食事の前
Before eating food
– トイレの後
After using the toilet
– 犬や猫などのペットにさわったり、フンの後始末をしたとき
After touching your pet like dog or cat, and treating pet’s waste
Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are also effective, but you don’t need to use a hand sanitizer after washing hands with soap.
Refrain from all NON-essential and NON-urgent outings
Staying at home is the best policy.
If you have to go out, put on a face mask properly.
Be sure to hold the ear loops only when putting on / removing the face mask.
Do not touch the front surface of the mask