一歩差がつく大人の英語 Day 3 / Week 14
Improving Your English Skills
I know staying at home is the best policy to avoid infection.
I have to get on a commuter train for a living.
I’d like to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer after getting off the train.
I can’t find it at stores due to severe shortage.
“Words & Phrases”
除菌スプレー hand sanitizer
感染 infection
ドラッグストア drug store
成分 ingredient(s)
●本日の時事英語 “English from the news”
大リーグ Major League Baseball
選手会 the players’ association
野球場 ballpark
普通の生活 normal life
●文化にまつわる言葉 “Arts & Culture”
(カフカの)変身 The Metamorphosis
不条理文学 absurdist fiction
#一歩差がつく大人の英語 #ImprovingYourEnglishSkills