Improving Your English Skills
Rakuten amended its free-delivery policy for vendors.
Rakuten is one of the major online mall operators in Japan.
The majority of vendors opposed such a policy.
The Fair Trade Commission asked the Tokyo District Court for an emergency order to stop it.
●用語 “Words & Phrases”
送料 shipping charge
ネットショップ online shop
独占禁止法 the antitrust laws
Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade
略して the Anti-Monopoly Act
●本日の時事英語 “English from the news”
競馬 horse racing
競馬場 racetrack
サラブレッド thoroughbred
公営ギャンブル public-managed gambling
●文化にまつわる言葉 “Arts & Culture”
版画家 block-print artist
富嶽百景 one hundred pictures of Mt. Fuji
#一歩差がつく大人の英語 #ImprovingYourEnglishSkills