朝起きてから夜寝るまでの英語: 通勤する/通学する



  1. 学校へ行く。
    I go to school.
  2. 会社に行く。
    I go to work.
  3. 小学校に歩いていく。
    I walk to the elementary school.
  4. 中学に自転車で行く。
    I go to the junior high by bike.
  5. 高校にバスで行く。
    I go to the high school by bus.
  6. 大学に電車で行く。
    I go to the university by train.
  7. 会社には車で通勤する。
    I commute to the office by car.
  8. 駅まで歩いて行って、そこから電車に乗る。
    I walk to the station, and then get on a train.
  9. 息子を幼稚園に送ってから会社に向かう。
    I take my son to the kindergarten, and then go to the company.
  10. この道をまっすぐ行く。
    I go straight along this street.
  11. 次の角を右に曲がる。
    I turn to the right at the next corner.
  12. 次の信号を左に曲がる。
    I turn to the left at the next traffic signal.
  13. 赤信号で止まる。
    I stop at the red light.
  14. 青信号で横断歩道を渡る。
    I cross the crosswalk during the green light.
  15. 右を見て、左を見て、もう一度右を見て渡りなさい。
    Look to the right, look to the left, then look to the right again before you cross the street.

First, make sure that no cars are coming. 
Look to the right and the left, and then cross the crosswalk.
  1. 電車を降りる。
    I get off a train.
  2. 新宿で山手線に乗り換える。
    I change the train to the Yamanote line at Shinjuku.
  3. 腕時計で時間を確かめる。
    I check the time on my watch.
  4. 学校に着く。
    I arrive at school. 


日本語 英語
保育園 nursery school
幼稚園 kindergarten
小学校 elementary school
中学校 junior high school
高校 high school
大学(四年制) university
短大 junior college
会社 company
事務所 office
交差点 crossing / intersection
横断歩道 crosswalk / zebra zone
交通信号 traffic signal
歩道 sidewalk
road / street
バス停 bus stop
タクシー乗り場 taxi stand
遺失物取扱所 the lost and found



English expressions:


  1. I go to school.
  2. I go to work.
  3. I walk to the elementary school.
  4. I go to the junior high by bike.
  5. I go to the high school by bus.
  6. I go to the university by train.
  7. I commute to the office by car.
  8. I walk to the station, and then get on a train.
  9. I take my son to the kindergarten, and then go to the company.
  10. I go straight along this street.
  11. I turn to the right at the next corner.
  12. I turn to the left at the next traffic signal.
  13. I stop at the red light.
  14. I cross the crosswalk during the green light.
  15. Look to the right, look to the left, then look to the right again before you cross the street.First, make sure that no cars are coming.

    Look to the right and the left, and then cross the crosswalk.

  16. I get off a train.
  17. I change the train to the Yamanote line at Shinjuku.
  18. I check the time on my watch.
  19. I arrive at school.

Words & phrases

nursery school


elementary school

junior high school

high school


junior college



crossing, or intersection

crosswalk, or zebra zone

traffic signal


road, or street


bus stop

taxi stand

the lost and found

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