Week 20-01 月曜
●In China, imports of Japanese cosmetics in 2020 soared more than 30 percent from the previous year to about $4.3 billion.
語句 | 英語 |
化粧品 | cosmetics |
輸入 | import |
急増する | (to) soar |
前年 | the previous year |
〜10億 | … billion |
※ 数の単位は1000ごとに繰り上がります。
1,000 = thousand(千)
1,000,000 = million(百万)
1,000,000,000 = billion(10億)
1,000,000,000,000 = trillion(兆)
Week 20-02 火曜
● Online bookings for elderly people to receive COVID-19 shots at large state-run vaccination centers in Tokyo and Osaka started.
語句 | 英語 |
高齢者 | elderly people |
オンラインの予約 | online booking |
ワクチン接種会場 | vaccination center |
新型コロナウイルス | COVID-19 |
接種/注射を受ける | (to) receive a shot |
Week 20-03 水曜
● India’s holiest river, the Ganges, has been swollen with bodies in recent days.
●India has been overwhelmed by a devastating second wave of the pandemic in recent weeks.
語句 | 英語 |
聖なる | holy |
ガンジス川 | the Ganges |
膨れ上がる | (to) swell (過去形 swelled 過去分詞 swollen) |
破滅的な | devastating |
圧倒される | be overwhelmed |
Week 20-04 木曜
● India has recorded more than 25 million cases and 275,000 deaths, but experts say the real death toll is several times higher.
語句 | 英語 |
感染の事例 | case (感染 = infection) |
死亡 | death |
専門家 | expert |
死者数 | death toll |
本当の | real |
Week 20-05 金曜
● World’s largest iceberg, nearly the 80 times the size of Manhattan, has sheared off from Antarctica.
語句 | 英語 |
氷山 | iceberg |
マンハッタン | Manhattan |
〜杯の大きさ | … times the size of … |
南極大陸 | Antarctica |
剥ぎ取る | (to) shear off |
Week 20-06 土曜
●Moderna plans to submit data from clinical trials of its coronavirus vaccine among children to Japan’s health ministry.
#臨床試験 = medical trial、#提出する = (to) submit
語句 | 英語 |
提出する | (to) submit |
臨床試験 | medical trial |
コロナウイルスワクチン | coronavirus vaccine |
厚生省 | Health ministry 正式表記:the Health and Welfare Ministry |
モデルナ社 | Moderna, Inc. |
Week 20-07 日曜
●The reticulated python, a species considered to be one of the world’s largest snakes, was found in the attic of the apartment.
語句 | 英語 |
網状の | reticulated |
ニシキヘビ | python |
種 | species |
屋根裏/屋根裏部屋 | attic |
アパート | apartment house (building) |