今日の英語 Topic 1~10




“The era of global warming has ended and the era of global boiling has arrived”, the UN secretary general said.
Guardian 2023/07/29

era (=age) = 時代
global = 地球規模の
warming = 温暖化
(to) end = 終わる
(to) boil = 沸騰する
UN = United Nations = 国連
secretary general = 総長
secretary = 書記/秘書
参考 Secretary of State = (米)国務長官

Retired table tennis player Ai Fukuhara was urged by her Taiwanese former husband to swiftly return their first son, whom she has brought from Taiwan.

(to) retire = 引退する
table tennis = 卓球
(to) urge = (強く)要請する
former = 前の/元
swiftly = 早急に
(to) return = 返す
son = 息子
(to) bring from … = …から持って来る/つれてくる


Topic 3

A newly born Typhoon is expected to move northward near the Ogasawara islands, the Japan Meteorological Agency announced.



typhoon = 台風 (Typhoon No. 10 = 台風10号)
(to) move = 移動する
(to) move northward = 北上する
be expected to … = …すると見込まれる
(to) move = 動く
island = 島
Islands = 諸島
Japan Meteorological Agency = 気象庁

Topic 4

Japan, the only nuclear victim country, marks the 78th anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki this month.



nuclear = 核の
victim = 犠牲者
atomic bomb (A-bomb) = 原子爆弾
atomic = 原子の
bomb = 爆弾
bombings = 爆撃
(to) mark = 記録する
anniversary = 記念日(…周年)

Topic 5

China’s consumer price index (CPI) in July dropped by 0.3 percent from a year earlier for first time in 29 months.



consumer price index (CPI) = 消費者物価指数
(to) drop = 下落する
percent = パーセント
from a year earlier = 1年前より
for the first time in … months = …ヵ月ぶりに
for the first ime = はじめて

Topic 6

A man stabbed a female employee at the cash register in a convenience store in Tokyo before fleeing on a bicycle, according to police.



(to) stab = 刺す
female = 女性(の)
employee = 従業員
cash register = レジ
convenience store = コンビニ
(to) flee = 逃走する
on a bicycle = 自転車で
according to police = 警察によれば

Topic 7

Nadeshiko Japan defeated Norway 3-1 in the knock-out stage of FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023, but lost to Sweden 2-1 in the quarterfinals.

なでしこジャパンは2023 FIFA女子ワールドカップの決勝トーナメントでノルウェーを3対1で破ったが、準々決勝でスウェーデンに1-2で敗れた。


(to) defeat = 破る、倒す
knock-out stage = ノックアウトステージ(勝ち抜き戦=トーナメント)
FIFA = 国際サッカー連盟
Fédération Internationale de Football Association(フランス語)
(to) lose = 失う、敗れる(活用 lose – lost – lost)
quarterfinal = 準々決勝

Topic 8

September 1st marked the 100th anniversary of the Great Kanto Earthquake, Japan’s deadliest natural disaster since the Meiji era.


(to) mark = 記録する
anniversary = 記念日
Great Kanto Earthquake = 関東大震災;
deadly = 致命的な
Deadly, deadlier, deadliest;
natural disaster = 自然災害
era = 時代

地震 = earthquake = quake
マグニチュード = magnitude
関東大震災 = Great Kanto Earthquake
東日本大震災 = Great East Japan Earthquake

Topic 9

A couple in their 70s were injured on Sunday during an attack by a black bear in a field in Niigata Prefecture, police said.



couple = 夫婦、カップル
in one’s 70s = 70代
be injured = 負傷する
attack = 攻撃(する)(動詞/名詞)
black bear = 黒クマ
field = 畑
prefecture = 県/府

Topic 10

Tritium levels remained below detectable limits in seawater and fish sampled around the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.


tritium = トリチウム
(to) remain = ~のままでいる
(to) sample = サンプリング(抽出)する
below A = Aの下に(=未満)
(以下 = A or below)
detectable = 検出可能な
limit = 限度
seawater = 海水
Nuclear power plant = 原発

処理水 = treated water
汚染水 = contaminated water

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